March 5, 2013

I Have Arrived And Ready To Blog...Two Years Later

Hello dear friends,

I have neglected you.  I am so sorry.  It has been about two years since my last entry and to even type that is creepy.  Time flies.  I consistently tried to make blog entires for the majority of my wedding planning but I would never finish them. So I have a bunch of half written blog entries that I have saved in my blogger dashboard and I figured I would share them with you for my first blog entry and save the tasty tidbits of the last part of my wedding planning as well as my life for the past year for another blog entry. 

I just said "blog entry" way too much.

Blog entry.

Okay, let's get going...

1/11/11 <--really should have taken advantage of this awesome entry date like listing my number 1 favorite things for the wedding.  FAIL.

"After a short hiatus for the holidays...I'm back!  And I come bearing 4 bridesmaid gowns.  2 more to go and I am done with these dresses.  YEEHAW!  I decided to have each girl pick one of the fourteen gowns I picked out.  And they all are GORGEOUS! Along with choosing the dresses came the color scheme.  The colors are platinum a.k.a. moonstone, eggplant, and a luminescent beige a.k.a. toast. Sounds crazy right?  I thought so too, but when I saw the colors was beyond elegant!"

6/18/11 <--This post was just busting with information, which I properly titled, "Let's Get You Up To Speed".

"Today is my bridal shower and the wedding is three weeks away!"

6/20/11 <--I am now entering my Bridezilla stage.  Please don't judge me...

"So for quite some time now, I have been pretty much running around like a chicken with its head cut off.  I am now back on track and ready to blog.

Since my last entry I have found and ordered all my bridesmaid gowns, ordered my veil, found my florist and my caterer, had my bouquet made, collected about 30 more metal plated antique dining ware pieces, order the groom and groomsman's suits, found my officiant (who happens to be my sister), chose all our main wedding songs, hired a photo booth, picked out our cake and! cupcakes, and pretty much blown my previous budget to pieces.  That last one makes my FiancĂ© really happy.  JUST KIDDING!

So let's start off with the bridesmaid gowns.  Notice I said gowns because they are pretty darn fancy.  We ordered half of them at Macy's Bridal Salon on State Street and the other half at House of Brides in Orland Park.  Both places consistently seemed to be confused with my order and even at one point went ahead and changed a dress order to the color taupe instead of eggplant without even confirming with me my question of color change.  So after my head popped off and I spent a good chunk of time "talking" to the manager, the dress order was changed the following Monday and ,THANK GOD, arrived in the right color last week.  When it came to picking out the dresses I pretty much let the girls have free reign.  I made a list of about 25 dresses that were all similar in style and let them have at it.  They all picked beautiful gowns and I can't wait to see them all dressed up.  The designers we chose were Watters, WTOO, Bill Levkoff, Bari Jay, and Alexia Designs.  They are all perfect."

7/25/12 <--My first attempt at getting into the blogging saddle.

"So after a long (very long) hiatus, I have decided to return to the blogging world.  My wedding has come and gone and we have already celebrated our first year being together as a married couple. I am re-reading the few posts I have made and nothing went the way I predicted it would go.  I wouldn't change any of it though.  It was the best wedding.  

So let's begin.  Wendell and I started this wedding planning process with a very low budget, no money saved, and no clue where to start.  Obviously we started with setting the date.  We chose July 10, 2011.  It was a Sunday.  We knew venues would be cheaper on a Sunday.  We started our search.  Absolutely no direction what-so-ever as to what we wanted.  I spent a lot of time on the computer looking through menu after menu, churches, banquet halls, victorian houses, etc..  We looked at a few.  One was in Indiana and I cannot remember the name of it.  The other place we looked at was the Jacob Henry Mansion in Joliet, IL.  I have attended a wedding there before and knew the general layout.  I loved it, but there was just something about that Wendell and I didn't click with.  So we made an appointment at the Rialto Square Theatre for  tour.  I have already gone over how this tour went and obviously we went with the Rialto.  

This seems like a good place to start spitting out the details.

Once we had the tour, before we left we were handed a folder filled with information.  We got home and I started crunching numbers."

Now there is today.  3/5/2013

I have been married for 20 months, my son turned 4, I had another baby who is 2 days shy of being 2 months old, quit my job, and I entered the world of loose belly skin and stay-at-home mom adventures. I am going to document it.  I have to feed my kids first.

Stay tuned.