December 6, 2010

Tomorrow I Send Out the Save-the-Dates

I had my friends put the stamps on my save-the-dates a few weeks back and they have been sitting in the box, ready to be mailed for a good time now.  I just can't help but think how surreal it is to me that I will be someone's wife.  Surreal in a good way.  A really good way. No matter how good that feeling is though...there is always the nervousness.  The same nervousness I had laying in the hospital bed, in labor with my son.  It's that feeling of entering a new stage in life.  So completely different from teenage years where it is such a gradual process to adulthood.  You always think you are at the peak of mature and then you hit another peak and you realize that you are still just a child.  Marriage and parenthood are flat out in your face and both are the scariest and most exciting things to experience.  Life changing.  The steps I have to take to mail these little pieces of cardstock are so exciting.  I have to get in the car, drive to the post office, and drop off the save-the-dates.  This is a new chapter in my life and I am so ready for it.  I keep telling myself, this is real.  You are going to get married.  You will be a wife and you will be able to call your love...your husband.  Tomorrow I am sending out my save-the-dates and I am telling every loved one in Wendell and I's lives that we will be celebrating us, as a couple, and love, and family.  I am beyond thrilled and I hope all you brides out there that read this blog (hopefully there are few) feel the same way.

 So keep checking your mailboxes for Wendell and I's face.  You know who you are :)


  1. I love the save the date cards. They are so cute and they are so you and Wendell! They really just made me think yep its for the FRAZIER FAMILY!
    I cant wait to see how beautiful your day is. I know you are going to look stunning in anything you wear and I cant wait to see what you decided on.

  2. I would like to see more posts Amanda!
