October 27, 2010


In honor of Halloween, I figured I would give you the spooky side of my Fiance and I's venue, The Rialto Square Theatre.

The theatre was opened in 1926 as a "palace for the people." It not only was saved from being knocked down and turned into a parking lot in the 1970's, but it is now considered a national landmark on Route 66.  So now you know some of the historical background aaaaannnd now I will let you know about the HAUNTINGS!!!

When Wendell and I were searching for a venue online when we came across the Rialto and during research about the place we found several websites that stated that this place was not only occupied by a lot of theater and music enthusiasts, but also by a few ghosts!  So when we were on our way to the viewing of the space I said to Wendell, "Don't ask or say anything about rumors of the Rialto being haunted."  He said, "Okay."  Thirty minutes into our conversation with the events coordinator, Wendell says, "Sooooo, is this place haunted?" and she replies,"Yes."  She shared a story of a mother and her child attending a wedding at the theater and during the reception the child was brought into the theater area to be calmed down after an anxiety attack.  The child said she needed to go outside because there was too many people in the room...even though they were the only ones in the room.  AHHHH!

So that's a true one.  Here are the rumors that some people have heard and what the word is on the web.

The most often spied is a nameless spectral woman who is thought to have been an actress who performed at the theatre many years ago. She is described as being in her twenties, very pretty, sometimes surrounded by hazy light, and thought to have been a well-known performer of her time. She has been reported to have been seen floating around the theatre by staff, customers, and workmen, becoming especially active during the period of time that it was closed to the public. Many believe that she so loved performing there that she’s just not ready to leave this world.  Two more spirits, one male and one female, are sometimes spied in the auditorium’s balcony. According to the legend, the pair fell to their deaths from the balcony, and like others who have died in tragic accidents, they just won’t move on.  Other reports include sudden periods of icy coldness, strange noises, objects that seemingly move of their own accord, and the feeling that they have been "jabbed” by an unseen finger.

After reading all that I decided to make a picture of what I think the ghosts may look like. Enjoy

source: http://www.legendsofamerica.com/il-rialtotheatreghost.html

October 26, 2010

Bridesmaid dress choices from hell...

When it comes to bridesmaid dresses, I am totally confused about what style and color that will please everyone and look good as well on all body shapes.  Bridesmaid dresses have been THE hardest thing for me so far in this planning process.  So far these have what I have picked out.

I am trying to find a a bridesmaid dress that will be able to go with the feel of my venue as well.

What's that you ask?  What does my venue look like?  Well, here is a little glimpse and probably all I will show until after the wedding.

Go ahead.  Let your jaw hang there in the wind.  This place is awesome and I seriously cannot believe that Wendell and I will be getting married here!  The pictures really don't give the space justice.  The architects also designed the Oriental Theatre in Chicago, IL.

I consider us pretty lucky!  

October 22, 2010

And it all started here...

Okay, so this is my first blog.  Ever.  I figure since it is my first, I will use it to explain to you "bloggers" what my purpose for this blog is.  Well, for those of you who aren't as observant as the rest of society...I, Amanda, am getting married.  Yes folks.  I am crossing over to married life and saying goodbye to the single one.  I can't say that I am not ready for this.  I have a wonderful man, beautiful baby boy and will become a step-mom to a 7-year-old girl.  I have two dogs, Ricky and Ernie.  And lest we forget the hedgehog, Fred.  With our beautiful little family already made...it is time to get hitched.  I am counting down the days and I seriously cannot wait!  So since the day we set the date, I have been planning.  And by planning I mean scouring the internet, looking for every DIY project I can possibly do and drooling over amazing dresses and wedding decor that I will never be able to pay for even if I save 5 lifetime earnings.  Simply access denied.  As I said before that leaves me with DIY projects and trying to keep everything to the minimal, but not have anything be plain and cheap looking.  I plan to use this site to bring together all of my ideas and  hopefully inspire other brides who are like me.  Want a DIY wedding, but ain't that crafty.  I want to take you all through the steps of my wedding process and how and where I bought the things I needed to have a "fakespensive" wedding.  And yes.  I made up that word.  Tell it to your friends.