October 22, 2010

And it all started here...

Okay, so this is my first blog.  Ever.  I figure since it is my first, I will use it to explain to you "bloggers" what my purpose for this blog is.  Well, for those of you who aren't as observant as the rest of society...I, Amanda, am getting married.  Yes folks.  I am crossing over to married life and saying goodbye to the single one.  I can't say that I am not ready for this.  I have a wonderful man, beautiful baby boy and will become a step-mom to a 7-year-old girl.  I have two dogs, Ricky and Ernie.  And lest we forget the hedgehog, Fred.  With our beautiful little family already made...it is time to get hitched.  I am counting down the days and I seriously cannot wait!  So since the day we set the date, I have been planning.  And by planning I mean scouring the internet, looking for every DIY project I can possibly do and drooling over amazing dresses and wedding decor that I will never be able to pay for even if I save 5 lifetime earnings.  Simply access denied.  As I said before that leaves me with DIY projects and trying to keep everything to the minimal, but not have anything be plain and cheap looking.  I plan to use this site to bring together all of my ideas and  hopefully inspire other brides who are like me.  Want a DIY wedding, but ain't that crafty.  I want to take you all through the steps of my wedding process and how and where I bought the things I needed to have a "fakespensive" wedding.  And yes.  I made up that word.  Tell it to your friends.

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