October 26, 2010

Bridesmaid dress choices from hell...

When it comes to bridesmaid dresses, I am totally confused about what style and color that will please everyone and look good as well on all body shapes.  Bridesmaid dresses have been THE hardest thing for me so far in this planning process.  So far these have what I have picked out.

I am trying to find a a bridesmaid dress that will be able to go with the feel of my venue as well.

What's that you ask?  What does my venue look like?  Well, here is a little glimpse and probably all I will show until after the wedding.

Go ahead.  Let your jaw hang there in the wind.  This place is awesome and I seriously cannot believe that Wendell and I will be getting married here!  The pictures really don't give the space justice.  The architects also designed the Oriental Theatre in Chicago, IL.

I consider us pretty lucky!  

1 comment:

  1. omg! i love the very top right dress. the goldish color. your blog is coming out great! keep up with it. i have one and i feel hff the wagon for a while but i jumped back on. I wont say i am like crafty or anything but if you need ANY help let me know. i love making things and trying to be crafty : )
